Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spontaneus Combustion 1971

A remarkable debut album from an unfortunately short-lived band, this high-velocity record found Greg Lake applying his production talents to an amazingly talented power trio that featured the brother act of Gary Margetts (guitar) and Tristian Margetts (bass), along with powerhouse drummer Tony Brock. The startling result, with its intricate structures of lead guitar and surround-sound drumming, was packaged in a sleeve designed to look like an oversized comic book. 

The debut was well-received, and sold well, but there was a long silence before the next album, Triad ... and after that, nothing. Oddly, little or nothing has been heard of the Margetts brothers since then, though drummer Brock went on to a successful career both as a sideman and as a member of Strider and the Babys.

This obscure outfit formed in 1971. Greg Lake spotted their potential and produced their debut album, which was a pretty typical progressive offering with lots of guitar and synthesizer. The follow-up Triad was more of the same. They are classic examples of albums nobody much wanted at the time becoming collectable - which is largely due to the label they appeared on. 

After their demise Tristian Margetts resurfaced playing and recording with Greg Lake, but brother Gary quit the music business. Tony Brock was later in Strider and The Babys. In the eighties he was in Rod Stewart's backing band.


1.Speed of light
2.Listen to the wind
4.200 Lives
5.Down with the moon

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